Volltext: Anthropos, 99.2004

Anthropos 99.2004 
Autorenindex (R) 
Kirkpatrick, Joanna: Transport of Delight. The 
Ricksha Arts of Bangladesh. Bloomington 2003. 
(Anna Schmid) 
Klinken, Gerry van: Minorities, Modernity, and 
the Emerging Nation. Christians in Indonesia, 
a Biographical Approach. Leiden 2003. 285 pp. 
(Rita Smith Kipp) 
Kochanek, Hermann (Hrsg.): Wozu das Leid? 
Wozu das Böse? Die Antwort von Religionen 
und Weltanschauungen. Paderborn 2002. 360 pp. 
(Manfred Hutter) 
Kolata, Alan L. (ed.): Tiwanaku and Its Hin 
terland. Archaeology and Paleoecology of an 
Andean Civilization; voi. 2: Urban and Rural 
Archaeology. Washington 2003. 507 pp. (Ursula 
Komm, Frank J.: Hosay Trinidad. Muharram 
Performances in an Indo-Caribbean Diaspora. 
Philadelphia 2003. 305 pp. (Gustav Thaiss) . . . 
Koss-Chioino, Joan D., Thomas Leatherman, 
and Christine Greenway (eds.): Medical Plu 
ralism in the Andes. London 2003. 256 pp. 
(Bernhard Wörrle) 
Kratz, Corinne A.: That Ones that Are Wanted. 
Communication and the Politics of Representa 
tion in a Photographic Exhibition. Berkeley 2002. 
307 pp. (Majan Garlinski) 
Kraus, Michael, und Mark Münzel (Hrsg.): Zur 
Beziehung zwischen Universität und Museum in 
der Ethnologie. Marburg 2000. 172 pp. (Sylvia 
M. Schomburg-Scherff) 
Krause, Erich-Dieter: Großes Wörterbuch 
Deutsch-Indonesisch - Kamus Besar Jerman- 
Indonesia. Hamburg 2002. 1057 pp. (Wolfgang 
Kühme, Walter: Das Königtum von Gobir. 
Götter, Priester, Feste einer sakralen Gesellschaft. 
Hamburg 2003. 260 pp. (Jörg Adelberger) . . . 
Leach, James: Creative Land. Place and Procre 
ation on the Rai Coast of Papua New Guinea. 
New York 2003. 236 pp. (James Turner) .... 
Lieberman, Victor: Strange Parallels. Southeast 
Asia in Global Context, c. 800-1830; voi. 1; 
Integration on the Mainland. Cambridge 2003. 
484 pp. (Wolfgang Marschall) 
Lioger, Richard: La folie du Chaman. His- 
toire de Tethnopsychanalyse. Paris 2002. 174 pp. 
(Claude Rivière) 
Littlewood, Roland: Religion, Agency, Res 
titution. The Wilde Lectures in Natural 
Religion 1999. Oxford 2001. 175 pp. (Thomas 
Low, Setha M., and Denis Lawrence-Zùniga 
(eds.): The Anthropology of Space and Place. 
Locating Culture. Oxford 2003. 422 pp. (Peter 
McKnight, David: From Hunting to Drinking. 
The Devastating Effects of Alcohol on an Aus 
tralian Aboriginal Community. London 2002. 
239 pp. (John Morton) 
McWilliam, Andrew; Paths of Origin, Gates 
of Life. A Study of Place and Precedence in 
Southwest Timor. Leiden 2002. 331pp. (David 
Hicks) 287 
Malotki, Ekkehart (ed.): Hopi Tales of De 
struction. Narrated by Michael Lomatuway’ma, 
Lorena Lomatuway’ma, and Sidney Namingha Jr. 
Lincoln 2002. 230 pp. (Armin W. Geertz).... 656 
Manderson, Lenore, and France Liamputtong 
(eds.): Coming of Age in South and Southeast 
Asia. Youth, Courtship, and Sexuality. Richmond 
2002. 307 pp. (Andrew Beatty) 289 
Marianski, Janusz: Mi^dzy sekularyzacj^ i 
ewangelizacj^i. Wartosci prorodzinne w swiado- 
mosci mlodziezy szkol scrednich. Lublin 2003. 
578 pp. (Stanislaw A. Wargacki) 658 
Merrill, William L., and Ivés Goddard (eds.): 
Anthropology, History, and American Indians. 
Essays in Honor of William Curtis Sturtevant. 
Washington 2002. 357 pp. (Sylvia S. Kasprycki) 659 
Moßbrucker, Harald: Cultura y etnicidad en 
Yucatán. Conceptos generales y situaciones es 
pecíficas. Hannover 2001. 383 pp. (Armin Hinz) 290 
Müller, Klaus E.: Nektar und Ambrosia. Kleine 
Ethnologie des Essens und Trinkens. München 
2003. 173 pp. (Anton Quack) 661 
Mungello, David E.: The Spirit and the Flesh 
in Shandong, 1650-1785. Lanham 2001. 209 pp. 
(Françoise Aubin) 293 
Nader, Laura: The Life of the Law. Anthro 
pological Projects. Berkeley 2002. 262 pp. (Paul 
J. Magnarella) 662 
Napier, A. David: The Age of Immunology. 
Conceiving a Future in an Alienating World. 
Chicago 2003. 319 pp. (Katarina Greifeld) . . . 663 
Nguyen Van Huy and Laurel Kendall (eds.): 
Vietnam. Journeys of Body, Mind, and Spirit. 
Berkeley 2003. 294 pp. (Oliver Raendchen) . . 664 
Norström, Christer: “They Call for Us.” Strate 
gies for Securing Autonomy among the Paliyans, 
Hunter-Gatherers of Palni Hills, South India. 
Stockholm 2003. 314 pp. (Peter M. Gardner) . . 666 
Orywal, Erwin: Krieg oder Frieden. Eine ver 
gleichende Untersuchung kulturspezifischer Ide 
ale - Der Bürgerkrig in Belutschistan/Pakistan. 
Berlin 2002. 525 pp. (Anna Schmid) 666 
Pommaret, Françoise (ed.): Lhasa in the Seven 
teenth Century. The Capital of the Dalai Lamas. 
Leiden 2003. 245 pp. (Isabelle Charleux) .... 294 
Prebish, Charles S., and Martin Baumann 
(eds.): Westward Dharma. Buddhism beyond Asia. 
Berkeley 2002. 425 pp. (Heinz Bechert) .... 668 
Ramos-Zayas, Ana Y.: National Performances. 
The Politics of Class, Race, and Space in Puerto 
Rican Chicago. Chicago 2003. 289 pp. (Eveline 
Dürr) 670 
Reichenbach, Anke: Mit süßer Zunge. Höflich 
keit und Nachbarschaft im Damaszener Christen 
viertel Bâb Tûmâ. Gehren 2001. 320 pp. (Julia 
Dröber) 671 


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