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Volltext: Objekt, Bild und Performance

Adandler, Richard (1986): Vigorous Male and Aspiring Female: Poetry, Personality, and Cul- 
ture in Edward Sapir and Ruth Benedict. In: George W. Stocking Jr. (Hg.): Malinowski, 
Rivers, Benedict and Others: Essays on Culture and Personality. Madison, 127-155. 
Tandler, Richard (1990): Ruth Benedict and the Modernist Sensibility. In: Marc Manganaro 
(Hg.): Modernist Anthropology: From Fieldwork to Text. Princeton, 163-180. 
Hegeman, Susan (1999): Patterns for America: Modernism and the Concept of Culture. 
Lemke, Sieglinde (1996): Blurring Generic Boundaries: Zora Neale Hurston: >»A Writer of 
Fiction and Anthropologist«. In: Jürgen Schläger (Hg.): The Anthropological Turn in Lit- 
erary Studies. Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature 12, Tübingen, 
„udktehaus, Nancy C. (1995): Margaret Mead and the >»Rustling-of-the-Wind-in-the- 
Palm-Trees School: of Ethnographic Writing. In: Ruth Behar u.a. (Hg.): Women Writing 
Culture. Berkeley, 186-206. 
Matthews, Fred H. (1970): The Revolt against Americanism: Cultural Pluralism and Cul- 
tural Relativism as an Ideology of Liberation. In: Canadian Review of American Stud- 
jes 1/1, 4-31. 
Mead, Margaret (July 10, 1924): Warning. In: The Papers of Margaret Mead. Library of Con 
gress, MS Q15/7 xlix. 
Dies./Gregory Bateson (1942): Balinese Character: A Photographic Analysis. New York. 
Dies, (1951): A Balinese Family. Film, b&w, 20 minutes. 
Dies,/Frances Cooke Macgregor (1951a): Growth and Culture: A Photographic Study of 
Balinese Childhood. New York. 
Dies. et al. (1952): Trance and Dance in Bali. Film, b&w, 22 minutes. 
Dies. (1952a): First Days in the Life of a New Guinea Baby. Film, b&w, 20 minutes, 
Dies. (1952b): Karba’s First Years: A Study of Balinese Childhood. Film, b&w, 20 minutes. 
Dies./Rhoda Metraux (Hg.) (1953): The Study of Culture at a Distance, Chicago. 
Dies. (1954a): Bathing Babies in Three Cultures. Film, b&w, 11 minutes. 
Dies. (1954b): Childhood Rivalry in Bali and New Guinea. Film, b&w, 17 minutes. 
Dies, (Hg.) (1959): An Anthropologist at Work: Writings of Ruth Benedict. Westport. 
Dies, (1964): Memories of Walter Spies. In: Hans Rhodius (Hg.): Schönheit und Reichtum 
des Lebens. Walter Spies (Maler und Musiker auf Bali 1895-1942). Den Haag. 
Dies. (1978): Learning to Dance in Bali. Film, b&w, 13 minutes. 
Dies, (2001): Coming of Age in Samoa. New York. 
Meyers großes Taschenlexikon (1987): Eintrag »Organologie« und »Organismus«, 24 Bde., 
hier Band 16, Mannheim. 
Sapir, Edward (1924): Culture, Genuine and Spurious. In: The American Journal of Soci- 
ology 29/4, 401-429. 
Ders. (1934): The Emergence of the Concept of Personality in a Study of Cultures. In: Jour- 
nal of Social Psychology 5, 408-415. 
Schweighauser, Philipp (2006): An Anthropologist at Work: Ruth Benedict’s Poetry. 
{n: Rehder, Robert/Patrick Vincent (Hg.): American Poetry: Whitman to the Present. 
Tübingen, 113-125, 
stocking, George W. Jr. (1989): The Ethnographic Sensibility of the 1920s and the Dualism 
of the Anthropological Tradition. In: Ders. (Hg.): Romantic Motives: Essays on Anthro- 
pological Sensitivity. Madison, 208-276. 
ihomas, Nicholas (1991): Entangled Objects: Exchange, Material Culture, and Colonial- 
ism in the Pacific. Cambridge, Mass. 
Forgovnick, Marianna (1990): Gone Primitive: Savage Intellects, Modern Lives. Chicago. 
/an Nuys, Frank (2002): Americanizing the West: Race, Immigrants, and Citizenship, 
1890-1930. Lawrence.


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