Volltext: Anthropos, 90.1995

Geographischer Index 
Anthropos 90.1995 
Animal Rightists and Northern Native Hunters. The 
Discursive Contexts to the “Dispute” 423 
Anthropology, Public Policy, and Native Peoples in 
Canada 602 
Concerning the League 261 
Crow Dog’s Case 608 
Franz Boas, 1858-1942 255 
Franz Boas 255 
A Grammar of Upriver Halkomelem 606 
Les Indiens sont-ils par nature respectueux de la 
nature? 435 
The Invention of Prophecy 259 
Never Again the Burning Times 633 
Prärie- und Plainsindianer 283 
Die Religion der Ostalgonkin 284 
Religion und Mythologie der Pawnee 302 
The Shaker Experience in America 306 
They Write Their Dreams on the Rock Forever 656 
Twana Narratives 256 
Ancient Mesoamerica 247 
Becoming West Indian 310 
Bloodsucking Witchcraft 292 
La coexistence de types religieux différents dans 
l’Haïtien contemporain 296 
Community Participation in Health 290 
Hippocrates’ Latin American Legacy 259 
Latin American Horizons 298 
La memoria rituale 643 
Modernity. Dualism and Mass Consumption in 
Trinidad 627 
The Vicissitude of the Alter Ego Animal in 
Mesoamerica. An Ethnohistorical Reconstruction of 
Tonalism 445 
Rural Guatemala 1760-1940 624 
West-Tarasken 629 
Agriculture and the Onset of Political Inequality 
before the Inka 265 
Aportes para la comprensión del chamanismo toba 
The Club-Fighters of the Amazon 309 
Divisions and Solidarities 642 
Ecology and Ceramic Production in an Andean 
Community 246 
Los espíritus seductores. Dibujo corporal en la 
Amazonia indígena 217 
Footprints of the Forest 594 
Grafismo indígena 652 
Guía Etnográfica de la Alta Amazonia; vol. 1 639 
Hippocrates’ Latin American Legacy 259 
Karl von den Steinen. Um seculo de antropologia no 
Xingu 252 
Keepers of the Sacred Chants 271 
Paraman Purina - Going for Rain. “Mute 
Anthropology” versus “Speaking Anthropology” 
The Story of Rafael Karsten 525 
To Drink of Death 609 
The Wanano Indians of the Brazilian Amazon 599 
The Yurupari Complex of the Yucuna Indians. The 
Yurupari Myth 487 
Asia’s Cultural Mosaic 257 
Northern Religions and Shamanism 272 
Bemerkungen zu J.-P. Digards “loi du plus faible” 
(qânon-e kamzûr) 564 
The Anthropology of Nepal 309 
Cinema and the Urban Poor in South India 602 
Classer les dieux 597 
The Culture-Free Construction of Emotion. A Tamil 
Writer’s Emotion Similes and Metaphors 185 
La déesse apaisée 248 
From Bondsmen to Middlemen. Hired Sheperds and 
Pastoral Politics 149 
Harmal-wälä und Isfandï. Das ambulante Gewerbe des 
Räucherns in Pakistan und Afghanistan 181 
Himalayan Households 604 
Hypergamy and Its Inherent Contradictions 558 
The “Lesser” Violence of Animal Sacrifice. A 
Somewhat Hidden and Overlooked (Ignored?) 
Reality in Sinhala Buddhism 133 
Perspectives on Kashmir 308 
A Recitation of the Tamang Shaman in Nepal 611 
Schattenspiel in Kamätaka, Süd-Indien 303 
Die Grundzahlwörter der uralischen Sprachen 612 
Chercheurs de ginseng sauvage en Corée 554 
Rethinking the Mongol Oboo 544 
Songs of the Shaman 654 
From Wordless Ritual to Ritual Words. An Analysis of 
the Ritualized Contact with Leprosy in Thailand 


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