Autorenindex (R)
Anthropos 85.1990
Ritual, and Exchange among Nepal’s Tamang.
Ithaca 1989. 265 pp. (Gérard Toffin) 611
Huber, Mary Taylor: The Bishops’ Progress. A
Historical Ethnography of Catholic Missionary
Experience on the Sepik Frontier. Washington
1988. 264 pp. (Patrick F. Gesch) 237
Hugill, Peter J., and Bruce Dickson (eds.): The
Transfer and Transformation of Ideas and Mate
rial Culture. College Station 1988. 281 pp. (Ste
phen Fuchs) 238
Huntington, Richard: Gender and Social Struc
ture in Madagascar. Bloomington 1988. 148 pp.
(Gillian Feeley-Hamik) 240
Immelmann, Klaus, Klaus R. Scherer, Chris
tian Vogel und Peter Schmoock (Hrsg.): Psy
chobiologie. Grundlagen des Verhaltens. Stuttgart
1988. 888 pp. (Gisela Maler-Sieber) 241
Ingold, Tim, David Riches, and James Wood-
burn (eds.): Hunters and Gatherers, vol. 1; His
tory, Evolution, and Social Change; vol. 2: Prop
erty, Power, and Ideology. Oxford 1988. 311 +
323 pp. (Marco G. Bicchieri) 242
Jacobson-Widding, Anita, and David Wester-
lund (eds.): Culture, Experience, and Pluralism.
Essays on African Ideas of Illness and Healing.
Stockholm 1989. 308 pp. (H. Sheikh-Dilthey) . 612
Kagabo, José Hamim: L’Islam et les «Swahili»
au Rwanda. Paris 1988. 276 pp. (Jacek Jan Pawlik) 243
Kendall, Laurel: The Life and Hard Times of
a Korean Shaman. Of Tales and the Telling of
Tales. Honolulu 1988. 157 pp. (Clark Sorensen) 613
Kilani, Mondher: Introduction ä 1’anthropologic.
Lausanne 1989. 368 pp. (Pierre Emy) 244
Klose, Albrecht: Sprachen der Welt. Ein welt
weiter Index der Sprachfamilien, Einzelsprachen
und Dialekte, mit Angabe der Synonyma und
fremdsprachigen Äquivalente. - Languages of
the World. A Multilingual Concordance of Lan
guages, Dialects, and Language-Families. Mün
chen 1987. 410 pp. (Michael Dürr) 245
Krengel, Monika: Sozialstrukturen im Kumaon.
Bergbauern im Himalaya. Stuttgart 1989. 322 pp.
(Apama Rao) 614
Kuper, Adam: The Invention of Primitive Soci
ety. Transformation of an Illusion. London 1988.
264 pp. (Georg Pfeffer) 616
Kurbjuhn, Kornelia (comp.): Maya. The Com
plete Catalogue of Glyph Readings. Kassel 1989.
239 pp. (Ute Schüren) 617
Lana, Feliciano: Der Anfang vor dem Anfang.
Frankfurt 1988. 49 pp. (Jörg Helbig) 631
Lentz, Carola: „Von seiner Heimat kann man
nicht lassen“. Migration in einer Dorfgemeinde
in Ecuador. Frankfurt 1988. 315 pp. (Harald
Moßbrucker) 246
Levine, Nancy E.: The Dynamics of Polyandry.
Kinship, Domesticity, and Population on the Ti
betan Border. Chicago 309 pp. (Melvyn C. Gold
stein) 618
Levinson, David: Family Violence in Cross-Cul-
tural Perspective. London 1989. 145 pp. (Ernest
Brandewie) 620
Lewis, E. Douglas: People of the Source. The
Social and Ceremonial Order of Tana Wai Brama
on Flores. Dordrecht 1988. 370 pp. (David Hicks) 248
Lewis, I. M.: Ecstatic Religion. A Study of Sha
manism and Spirit Possession. London 1989.
200 pp. (Hartmut Zinser) 621
Luhrmann, T. M.: Persuasions of the Witch’s
Craft, Ritual Magic in Contemporary England.
Cambridge 1989. 382 pp. (T. O. Beidelman) . . 621
McCay, Bonnie J., and James M. Acheson
(eds.); The Question of the Commons. The Cul
ture and Ecology of Communal Resources. Tuc
son 1987. 439 pp. (Michael J. Casimir) 623
McClain, Carol Shepherd (ed.): Women as
Healers. Cross-Cultural Perspectives. New Bruns
wick 1989. 274 pp. (Ruth-Inge Heinze) 625
McDaniel, June: The Madness of the Saints. Ec
static Religion in Bengal. Chicago 1989. 335 pp.
(Robert Deliege) 626
Mann, R. S.: Social Change and Social Research.
An Indian Perspective. New Delhi 1988. 271 pp.
(Robert Deliege) 250
Maybury-Lewis, David, and Uri Almagor (eds.):
The Attraction of Opposites. Thought and Society
in the Dualistic Mode. Ann Arbor 1989. 365 pp.
(Anthony Good) 627
Miller, Jay: Shamanic Odyssey. The Lushoot-
seed Salish Journey to the Land of the Dead.
Menlo Park 1988. 215 pp. (Áke Hultkrantz) . . 251
Mitzlaff, Ulrike von: Maasai-Frauen. Leben in
einer patriarchischen Gesellschaft. Feldforschung
bei den Parakuyo, Tansania. München 1988.
181 pp. (Hugo Huber) 628
Moreira Neto, Carlos de Araújo: Indios da
Amazonia, de Maioria a Minoria (1750-1850).
Petrópolis 1988. 348 pp. (Peter Schröder) .... 629
Moore, Henrietta L.: Feminism and Anthropol
ogy. Oxford 1988. 246 pp. (Sue-Ellen Jacobs) . 252
Moyle, Richard: Traditional Samoan Music.
Auckland 1988. 271 pp. (Artur Simon) 630
Müller, Franz: Etnografía de los Guaraní del
Alto Parana. Buenos Aires 1989. 133 pp. (Anton
Quack) 313
Münzel, Mark (Hrsg.): Die Mythen Sehen. Bil
der und Zeichen vom Amazonas; 2 Bde. Frankfurt
1988. 763 pp. (Jörg Helbig) 631
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein: Traditional Islam in the
Modern World. London 1987. 335 pp. (Christian
W. Troll) 253
Newmeyer, Frederick J. (ed.) Linguistics. The
Cambridge Survey; vol. 4: Language. The So
cio-Cultural Context. Cambridge 1988. 292 pp.
(Franz Rottland) 255
Nordbustadt, Frpydis: Iraqw Grammar. An An
alytical Study of Iraqw Language. Berlin 1988.
319 pp. (Rainer Voigt) 255
Nothnagel, Detlev: Der Fremde im Mythos. Kul
turvergleichende Überlegungen zur gesellschaft-