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Volltext: Anthropos, 68.1973

Intercouple Bonds in a Qolla Village (Peru) 
Ralph Bolton 
1. Introduction 
Although an interest in human sexual arrangements involving multiple 
nia les and multiple females has a venerable history in anthropology, during 
re cent decades this topic has been virtually neglected 1 . However, I think 
that one might confidently expect to witness a resurgence of theoretical 
c ° over group sexual phenomena in the next few years, largely, of 
c °urse, as a consequence of the widespread emergence of such arrangements 
111 the social life of contemporary America. 
While a few examples of multiple male-female bonds which include 
Se ^ual intercourse are justly renowned - such as wife-lending among the Eskimo 
dn d the Chukchee and group marriage among the Kaingang of Brazil - sur 
prisingly little information is available on the subject for other societies. It is 
prute likely, nevertheless, that other cases can be located. In 1969 Ben Wal- 
Uce described a previously unreported spouse-exchange institution among 
e Pagan Gaddang of the Philippine Islands. It is to be hoped that as more 
exa mples are brought forth our understanding of the theoretical problems 
P°sed by this type of sexual involvement - in our own society as well as in 
°fhers - win k e enhanced. 
The purpose of this paper is to describe tawanku, a form of intercouple 
re la.tionship in existence among the Qolla Indians of the Qollao (Altipiano), 
1 The field work on which this paper is based was supported by the Foreign Area 
d , ° WsE ip Program. A grant from the John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foun- 
n provided support for the analysis of field materials and for the writing of this 
on ^ ^ am § rateful Professor Bernd Lambert, Cornell University, for his comments 
An^ 111 6ar ^ er version of this work, which was presented at the annual meeting of the 
to eilCan Anthropological Association, in New York, 1971. Additionally, I should like 
ex press my appreciation to Charlene Bolton for invaluable assistance in the field. 
Authropos 68. 1973 10


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