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Volltext: Anthropos, 65.1970

Index Geographicus 
Anthropos 65. 1970 
Types of Social Structure in Eastern 
Indonesia R 337-339. 
Indonesian Prehistoric Tools R 1074. 
Symbolic and Social Aspects of Indone 
sian Proletarian Drama R 336-337. 
Indonesian Short Stories R 711. 
The Natives of Sarawak and British 
North Borneo R 349. 
East Sumba Textile Design R 711. 
Nusa Nipa R 705-706. 
Steinartefakte von Mengeruda auf Flores 
Oberfiächenfunde von Mengeruda und 
Olabula auf Flores 530-546. 
Stone Artifacts from Boaleza in Flores 
Goldschmuck bei den Ngada 636-637. 
The Archaeology of the Palau Islands 
R 1074-1075. 
Systems of Measurement on Woleai Atoll 
Leadership Roles on Ponape M 288. 
„Heilige Männer" und Medizinmänner in 
Melanesien R 706-708. 
The Melanesian Cargo Cult R 708-709. 
The Status of Melanesian Pidgin 
M 647-648. 
Le langage par tambours ä San Cristoval 
M 288. 
Excavations on Waton Island M 287- 
Economic Development and Social 
Change in Fiji R 711. 
Custom and Colonization in Fiji R 1078. 
Gardens of War R 709-710. 
Schriftlose Kulturen in Nordost- 
Neuguinea R 342-343. 
Hub of Papua R 339-340. 
Negwa R 340-341. 
Tangu Traditions R 1075. 
Government in Wanggulam R 711. 
Klan-Gliederung und Mythen zwischen 
Sepik und Ramu 758-793. 
The Sepie Hill Languages M 289. 
Kuman-English Dictionary R 1076. 
Polynesian Insights into Knowledge 
R 712. 
Hawaii R 712. 
Hawaii: A Pictorial History R 710-711. 
Fortschritt ins Nichts R 1076-1077. 
„Stabilität und Wandel" M 648-649. 
Basis and Development of Totemism. 
M 289. 
Australian Linguistics R 1078. 
Native Tribes of Central Australia R 712. 
The Language of Saibai Island 271-277.


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